LUKE'S GOSPEL Outline with Links to Commentaries
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- The Two Old Persons, Zechariah and Elizabeth, Luke 1:5-25
- Zechariah's Life of Faith (5-13)
- Great Before the Lord (14-17)
- God Trains Zechariah (18-25)
- The Birth of Jesus Foretold, Luke 1:26-56
- You Who Are Highly Favored! (26-30)
- His Kingdom Will Never End (32-38)
- My Soul Praises the Lord (39-56)
- The Son of Zechariah, Luke 1:57-80
- The Birth of John the Baptist (57-66)
- Zechariah's Song (67-80)
- A Savior Has Been Born To You, Luke 2:1-20
- The World Needs a Savior (1-7)
- The Savior Jesus is the Promised Messiah (8-11)
- The Baby Jesus is Christ the Lord (12-20)
- The Hope of Simeon and Anna, Luke 2:21-38
- Jesus' Circumcision (21-24)
- Simeon's Faith (25-35)
- Anna's Prayer (36-38)
- Jesus Grew in Wisdom and Stature, Luke 2:39-52
- Return to Galilee (39-40)
- The Boy Jesus at the Temple (41-50)
- Jesus Grew in Wisdom and Stature (51-52)
- John the Baptist Prepares the Way, Luke 3:1-20
- John's Commission (1-6)
- John Preaching on a Baptism of Repentance (7-14)
- John Foretells the Christ's Coming (15-20)
- The Temptation of Jesus, Luke 3:21-4:13
- Jesus the Son of God and the Son of Man (3:21-38)
- The Temptation of Jesus (4:1-13)
- Jesus' Early Ministry, Luke 4:14-44
- Jesus Taught in their Synagogues (14-19)
- Today This Scripture is Fulfilled (20-30)
- Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit (31-44)
- Jesus Calls Simon and Heals a Man with Leprosy, Luke 5:1-16
- Put Out Into Deep Water (1-7)
- From Now On You Will Catch Men (8-11)
- Be Clean (12-16)
- Jesus Calls Levi, Luke 5:17-39
- Jesus Heals a Paralytic (17-26)
- Follow Me (27-32)
- Jesus Questioned About Fasting (33-39)
- Jesus Chooses the Twelve, Luke 6:1-16
- The Son Of Man Is Lord Of The Sabbath (1-5)
- Jesus Restores a Man's Shrivelled Hand (6-11)
- Jesus Chose The Twelve (12-16)
- Jesus Teaches on the Plain, Luke 6:17-49
- Blessed People (17-26)
- Love Your Enemies (27-36)
- Do Not Judge Others (37-42)
- A Wise Man and a Foolish Man (46-49)
- The Life of Faith, Luke 7:1-35
- Such Great Faith (1-10)
- He said, "Don't cry." (11-17)
- Jesus' Answers to John (18-28)
- Jesus and John Were Rejected (29-35)
- Your Faith Has Saved You, Luke 7:36-8:15
- Jesus Welcomes a Sinful Woman (36-38)
- Jesus Rebukes the Pharisee (39-46)
- Your Sins are Forgiven (48-50)
- The Good News of the Kingdom of God (8:1-15)
- Jesus' Power, Luke 8:16-39
- Lamps (16-18)
- Jesus' Mother and Brothers (19-21)
- Let's Go Over to the Other Side of the Lake (22-25)
- Jesus Saves a Man Possessed by Demons (26-39)
- Jesus' Healing and Sending the Twelve, Luke 8:40-9:9
- Daughter, Your Faith Has Healed You (40-48)
- Just Believe (49-56)
- Jesus Sends Out the Twelve (1-9)
- Jesus is the Christ of God, Luke 9:10-36
- You Give Them Something to Eat (10-17)
- The Christ of God (18-27)
- Jesus' Transfiguration (28-36)
- The First Will Be Last and the Last First, Luke 9:37-62
- The Healing of a Boy with an Evil Spirit (37-45)
- Who Would Be the Greatest (46-48)
- Sons of Thunder, James and John (49-56)
- The Cost of Following Jesus (57-62)
- Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two, Luke 10:1-24
- The Harvest is Plentiful (1-3)
- And Tell Them, "The Kingdom of God is Near" (4-16)
- Rejoice That Your Names are Written in Heaven (17-24)
- The Parable of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-42
- Do This and You Will Live (25-29)
- Go and Do Likewise (30-37)
- But Only One Thing is Needed (38-42)
- Jesus Teaches About Prayer, Luke 11:1-28
- The Lord's Prayer (1-4)
- The Spirit of Prayer (5-13)
- Jesus and Beelzebub (14-28)
- The Light of a Lamp Shines On You, Luke 11:29-12:12
- The Light (33-36)
- Six Woes (37-54)
- Warnings and Encouragements (12:1-12)
- The Parable of the Rich Fool, Luke 12:13-34
- A Rich Fool (13-21)
- Do Not Worry (22-34)
- The Faithful and Wise Servant, Luke 12:35-59
- A Faithful Servant's Readiness (35-48)
- Not Peace But Division (49-53)
- Interpreting the Times (54-59)
- The Narrow Door, Luke 13:1-35
- Unless You Repent (1-9)
- You Hypocrite! (10-17)
- What is the Kingdom of God Like (18-21)
- The Way to Enter the Kingdom of God (22-30)
- Jesus' Sorrow for Jerusalem (31-35)
- The Great Banquet, Luke 14:1-35
- A Pharisee's Banquet (1-14)
- The Great Heavenly Banquet (15-24)
- The Workers of the Kingdom of God (25-34)
- Lost, Luke 15:1-32
- The Lost Sheep (1-17)
- The Lost Coin (8-10)
- The Lost Son (11-32)
- Jesus' Riches, Luke 16:1-31
- Use Worldly Wealth to Gain Friends (1-18)
- The Rich Man and Lazarus (19-31)
- The Kingdom is Within You, Luke 17:1-37
- Four Basic Responsibilities (1-10)
- Ten Lepers (11-19)
- The Kingdom of God (20-37)
- Always Pray and Not Give Up, Luke 18:1-17
- Persistent Prayers (1-8)
- Humble Prayer (9-14)
- Like a Little Child (15-19)
- Jesus Gives Sight to a Blind Beggar, Luke 18:18-43
- The Rich Young Good Guy (18-30)
- Jesus Again Predicts His Death (31-34)
- A Blind Beggar Receives His Sight (35-43)
- Until I Come Back, Luke 19:1-27
- This Man, Too, Is a Son of Abraham (1-10)
- Put This Money to Work (11-13)
- Well Done, My Good Servant (14-27)
- Jesus' Triumphal Entry, Luke 19:28-48
- The Lord Needs It (28-34)
- Blessed is the King! (35-44)
- King Jesus Who Judges (45-48)
- The Parable of the Tenants, Luke 20:1-19
- The Authority of Jesus Questioned (1-8)
- The Parable of the Tenants (9-19)
- He is The God of the Living, Luke 20:20-47
- To Caesar What is Caesar's... To God What is God's" (20-26)
- "Whose Wife Will She Be?" (27-33)
- The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob (34-40)
- Whose Son Is The Christ? (41-47)
- Signs of the End of the Age, Luke 21:1-38
- The Widows Offering (1-4)
- Watch Out that You are Not Deceived (5-19)
- They Will See the Son of Man Coming (20-38)
THE DEATH OF JESUS (22:1-23:56)
- The Last Supper, Luke 22:1-38
- Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus (1-6)
- The New Covenant of Blood (7-23)
- The Truly Great Man in the Kingdom of God (24-38)
- Jesus' Prayer and Arrest, Luke 22:39-62
- Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives (39-46)
- Jesus Arrested (47-53)
- Peter Disowns Jesus (54-62)
- The Son of Man's Trials, Luke 22:63-23:25
- Jesus Before the Soldiers (22:63-65)
- Jesus Before Religious Leaders (22:66-71)
- Jesus Before the Civil Leaders (23:1-11)
- Jesus Before Civilians (23:12-25)
- Jesus Crucified, Died, and Buried, Luke 23:26-56
- Jesus Was Crucified (23:26-51)
- Jesus Died (44-49)
- Jesus Was Buried (50-56)
- Jesus, the First to Rise From the Dead, Luke 24:1-53
- He Has Risen (1-12)
- On the Road to Emmaus (13-35)
- Jesus Appears to the Disciples (36-49)
- The Ascension (50-53)