MARK'S GOSPEL Outline with Links to Commentaries
Pick to read this book of the Bible chapter by chapter in a separate window.
- The Beginning of the Gospel, Mark 1:1-20
- John the Baptist Prepare the Way (1-8)
- Jesus' Baptism (9-11)
- Jesus' Temptation (12-13)
- The Gospel Began With Calling Disciples (14-20)
- The Beginning of the Messiah's Ministry, Mark 1:21-45
- Jesus' Preaching (21-28)
- Jesus' Healing (29-34)
- Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place (35-39)
- Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy (40-45)
- Jesus Came To Call Sinners, Mark 2:1-22
- Jesus Heals a Paralytic (1-12)
- The Calling of Levi (13-17)
- New Wine Into New Wineskins (18-22)
- Jesus Calls The Twelve Apostles, Mark 2:23-3:19a
- Jesus Heals a Man With A Shriveled Hand (1-12)
- Jesus Appoints the Twelve Apostles (13-35)
- Jesus and His Family, Mark 3:20-35
- Jesus and Beelzebub (20-30)
- Jesus' Family (31-35)
- Jesus Teaches Them in Parables (Sower), Mark 4:1-20
- Jesus Teaches About The Kingdom of God, Mark 4:21-41
- The Lamp on a Stand (21-25)
- The Parables of the Seeds (26-34)
- Jesus Calms the Wind and the Sea (35-41)
- Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Man, Mark 5:1-20
- "Come Out of this Man, You Evil Spirit." (1-8)
- "What is Your Name" (9-10)
- "Jesus Used 2,000 Pigs to Save One Man" (11-17)
- "Jesus Appoints Him as a Gospel Worker" (18-20)
- Jesus Heals Two Women, Mark 5:21-43
- "My Little Daughter is Dying" (21-24)
- "If I Just Touch His Clothes" (25-34)
- "Just Believe" (35-43)
- Jesus Sends Out The Twelve, Mark 6:1-29
- They Took Offense At Him (1-6a)
- Jesus Sends the Twelve on Field Work Training (6b-13)
- Herod Heard About This (14-29)
- Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand, Mark 6:30-56
- He Had Compassion on Them (30-34)
- "You Give Them Something to Eat" (35-44)
- "Take Courage! It Is I" (45-56)
- Jesus Admires the Faith of a Gentile Woman, Mark 7:1-30
- The Tradition of the Elders (1-13)
- Clean and Unclean (14-23)
- The Faith of a Phoenician Woman (24-30)
- Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand, Mark 8:1-21
- How Many Loaves Do you Have? (1-13)
- How Many Basketfuls of Pieces did you Pick Up? (14-21)
- Who Do You Say I Am?, Mark 8:27-38
- You Are The Christ (27-30)
- The Son of Man Must Suffer (31-33)
- Basic Principles for the Christian Life (34-38)
- The Transfiguration, Mark 8:38-9:13
- Lamps (16-18)
- One Who Comes In Glory (8:38-9:1)
- His Transfiguration (9:2,3)
- Elijah and Moses Talk with Jesus (4)
- Listen To Him (5-13)
- Jesus Heals a Boy with an Evil Spirit, Mark 9:14-32
- Jesus Grieves at Unbelieving People (14-19)
- Jesus First Helps the Father's Faith (20-24)
- Jesus Heals the Boy (25-27)
- Prayer is the Expression of Faith (28-32)
- True Greatness, Mark 9:33-10:16
- A Truly Great Man is One Who Serves (9:33-37)
- A Truly Great Man Must Be Broad Minded (38-41)
- A Great Man Knows the Seriousness of Sinning (42-50)
- A Great Man Must Not Make Use of the Law (10:1-12)
- A Truly Great man is Like a Little Child (13-16)
- To Inherit Eternal Life, Mark 10:17-31
- "Go, Sell Everything You Have and..." (17-22)
- God's Reward For his Children (23-31)
- For Even the Son of Man, Mark 10:32-45
- "The Son of Man Will Be Betrayed..." (32-34)
- Even the Son of Man (35-45)
- He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord, Mark 10:46-11:19
- "Jesus, Son of David..." (10:46-52)
- Jesus' Triumphal Entry (11:1-1-0)
- Jesus Clears the Temple (11:1-19)
- Have Faith in God, Mark 11:20-33
- Faith That Moves Mountains (20-23a)
- Faith That Overcomes Doubt and Forgives (23b-25)
- The Authority of Jesus Questioned (27-33)
- The Parable of the Vineyard, Mark 12:1-12
- The Owner of the Vineyard and The Tenants (1-5)
- He Sent, Last of All, His Son (6-9)
- The Rejected Stone (10-12)
- The God of the Living, Mark 12:13-27
- Give to God What is God's (13-17)
- The God of the Living (18-27)
- The Greatest Commandment, Mark 12:28-44
- The Greatest Commandment (28-34)
- Whose Son is the Christ? (35-40)
- The Widow's Offering (41-44)
- The Gospel Must First be Preached to All Nations, Mark 13:1-13
- The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Mark 13:14-37
- Dreadful Tribulations in the Last Days (14-33)
- "Men Will See the Son of Man" (24-37)
- Jesus Anointed at Bethany, Mark 14:1-11
- The Blood of the Covenant, Mark 14:12-26
- Preparation for the Passover (12-16)
- The Last Passover (17-21)
- The Blood of the New Covenant (22-26)
- Jesus Prays at Gethsemane, Mark 14:26-52
- Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial (26-31)
- At Gethsemane (32-42)
- Jesus Arrested (43-52)
- Jesus' Trial, Mark 14:53-15:15
- Before the Sanhedrin (53-65)
- Peter Disowns Jesus (66-72)
- Jesus Before Pilate (15:1-15)
- Jesus' Death, Mark 15:16-47
- The Crucifixion of Jesus (16-32)
- The Death of Jesus (33-41)
- The Burial of Jesus (42-47)
- He Has Risen, Mark 16:1-20
- "He Has Risen" (1-8)
- Jesus' Appearance to His Disciples (9-14)
- "Go Into All the World..." (15-20)