Psalms 17:1-15 Questions by Stephen Ricker
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I Will See Your Face
Questions for Study 7

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Listen to Psalm 17.

Memory Verse: 17:6

I. Listen to My Cry (17:1-5)

1. When David prays what is he sure of? (1-2, 6) In seeking the LORD to vindicate him, what does it mean about his resolve to be righteous?

2. Does David have something specific that he wants the LORD to see if he was righteous about? (3) How might David be sure that he did not sin in this matter?

3. How did David personally experience violent people in his life?

II. I Call on You (17:6-9)

4. Though David did not strike out to those who were violent towards him what does his asking the Lord to do? What does this show about his heart attitude and how that attitude was not a sin? (Matthew 5:21-22)

5. What does "the apple of your eye" mean? And "shadow of your wings"? What kind of people was David praying about?

6. What does it mean to close up a callous heart? What happens to the mouth that is controlled by one?

II. Save Me (17:10-15)

7. How does it feel to be trapped? What did David do when there was no escape?

8. How does David describe his desperate situation? (12) What are some ways people respond to overwhelming entrapment?

9. How did David respond to desperation? Was Jesus, the apostles, and the prophets ever in desperation? Did all escape?

10. What reward is the wicked? Those who depend on God? What do they do with that which God provides? What is David assure of about eternity? How is it described?