1. What does it mean "says in his heart" and what kind of person says this?
2. What rhetorical question does the Lord ask and what does it imply the answer is?
3. What promise is given in verses 5-7?
II. He Who Does These Things Will Never be Shaken (15:1-5)
4. What who questions does David ask and why might he ask these questions? (1)
5. What are the first two answers David presents to his own questions? What are the second two answers and what does this reveal about David who always is praying for deliverance from his enemies?
6. What does it mean to despises a vile man? What oath are the hardest to keep and why is it important to keep them? What other two hard life practices does David remind himself to keep? (5) What makes the statement, "He who does these things will never be shaken." possibly in light of all these requirements David reminded himself of?
II. Keep Me Safe (16:1-11)
7. What is the basis of this psalm? What was the Lord to David? Why might he need to remember this?
8. Contemplate the meaning of the alternate English translation of verse 3 in the NIV with the statement of verse 4. What temptation does God's people sometimes struggle with when they see faulty faith and their riches? What has David resolved to do?
9. Considering David's decision stated in verses 3-4, what did he come to know? Why might David be thinking about a pleasant home and future? Considering David's decision stated in verses 3-4, what did he come to know? Why might David be thinking about a pleasant home and future?
10. What does it mean the LORD is "at my right hand"? What was revealed to the Apostle Peter about verses 8-11? (Acts 2:25-33) Did David believe in the resurrection of the dead? (73:26) Who is the Holy One and how long would it be from the time he died to the time he rose from death? (John 10-25, 32-39; Acts 13:35-37) What is the "path of life" revealed to David? (John 11:25-26)