1. What is the reasons were this psalm written? (intro, 1-2) What truths does David know about the LORD his God as stated in verse 3?
2. What was the circumstance of David's life that preceded this psalm? (4-6)
3. What proceeded the Lord God's arrival? (7-9) How was the descending Lord God adorned and what does this imply about his being? (10-12) How is his voice described? His attack? How did the earth respond? What does this reveal about the Most High?
II. The LORD Lifted Me (18:16-29)
4. How does David describe the Lord's rescue and how is this fulfilled when Jesus comes gain? Why does David say the Lord rescued him? (16-19)
5. What can be learn about what to do as we wait for the Lord to answer our prayers from verse 20 to 24? How did David keep his hand's clean during the time that Saul and his army hunted him down? (1 Samuel 24 & 26)
6. How and why does God interact with each person according to their life choices? (25-26) What was David referring to when he referred to his lamp and his darkness?
III. The Word of the LORD is Flawless (18:30-45)
7. Though by keeping the law of God by not killing saw made his life hard what can be learned by David who said God's way is perfect? Why did David ask the two questions in verse 31?
8. What did David recognize about his skills and life style choices? (32-34) Why should we credit God for everything? (John 3:20-21)
9. Why does God sometimes not answer prayers according to verses 37 to 42? How did David's life change? Who did he give credit after success? How does this psalm foretell the Messiah, Jesus?
IV. The LORD Lives! (18:46-50)
10. Why might verse 46 be the summary and climax of the psalm?
11. How might verses 47 and 48 refer to Jesus, the Messiah's first coming? How might verses 49 and 50 refer to Jesus, the Messiah's second coming?