Psalms 11:1-13:18 Questions by Stephen Ricker
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Help, LORD, for the Godly are No More
Questions for Study 5

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Listen to Psalm 11.

Listen to Psalm 12.

Listen to Psalm 13.

Memory Verse: 13:1-2

I. The LORD Examines the Righteous (11:1-7)

1. What are people saying to David and why do people say these kind of things? (1-3)

2. What does verse 4 proclaim about the LORD God?

3. What is the Lord looking for? (5-7)

II. The Faithful Have Vanished from Among Men (12:1-8)

4. What has happened that David wrote this plead-psalm? (1)

5. What is condemned by David? How does pride in the wit of the tongue self-deceive?

6. Why does the LORD declare that is going to arise and what does he mean? What does David remind himself after the LORD's declaration?

7. What must we always be confident of and what does it imply that this needs to be done?

II. How Long? (13:1-6)

8. Why might David say that the Lord has forgotten him? What does it mean that the Lord has hidden his face from David? (1) What is David's problem that he asked these two questions? What can we do when we have had enough of a distressed mind and heart?

9. How desperate was David? What did he believe was about to happen? (3) What does verse 4 imply that had troubled David's thoughts and emotions?

10. What did David decide to do even though his soul was troubled? How does singing praises to the Lord God change our disposition? What can we learn about living by faith and about God?