1. What four "I will"s are mentioned and what does it mean to praise the LORD with all the heart? (1-2) What did David witness that compelled him to do the "I will"s? (3)
2. What does verse 4 imply that the Lord did for David and why he did it? Did this every happen in David's life and if not, then what does it imply? (5-6)
3. Considering the future tense of verses 7 and 8 when might this be fulfilled? In the meantime, what are we to remember about the LORD?
II. Sing Praises to the LORD (9:11-20)
4. What is the natural response to someone who trusts in the LORD? What does it mean to avenge blood?
5. Why does David want to do when the LORD lifts him up from the gates of death? How is the justice of the Lord defined in verses 15-16?
6. What does human eternal existence depends on according to verses 17-18? Why would the author ask the Lord to strike the nations with terror?
II. Why, O LORD, Do You Stand Far Off (10:1-18)
7. What is David experiencing in his life? (1) Why?
8. Why might the wicked be prosperous? What false believe does his success bring and why might God allow this to happen?
9. What is David's plea even in spite of his original questions? What is God considering all the time the wicked triumph over the weak? (13-15)
10. What is proclaimed in verse 16? What is the conclusion?