I. Contend, O LORD, With Those Who Contend With Me (35:1-10)
1. What did David ask the Lord? What does this imply he had not done? Why might he have not done that?
2. How is the poetry in verses 1-3 defined in verses 4-8?
3. What does David promise he will do when verses 4-8 are completed? What is David doing?
II. O Lord, How Long (35:11-21)
4. How is the poetry in verses 1-3 defined in verses 11-12? How did Jesus also experience this? What kind of a relationship did David have to those who are not opposing him? (13-14) Who does David now equate them with? (16)
5. When David ask "how long" what does it imply? Why doesn't the Lord apply relief right away? Why does he let it even come at all? (Luke 14:27; Acts 5:3; 1 Thessalonians 1:6; 1 Peter 4:12)
6. How were people who were his friends and even family members treating him now? What does verse 21 mean?
III. Rise to My Defense LORD (35:22-28)
7. How did David perceive the Lord in verse 22? Was he correct? What does it mean when his foes say, "Aha, just what we wanted!"?
8. What were the people doing to David? How did he respond? What general direction does he give to those who support him? What does he promise to do? (28)