1. What has David decided to do? (1-2) Why might this decision be amazing considering David's entire life events? What does he ask in verse 3?
2. What happened that David made the declaration to extol the LORD at all times? (4, 6) Was David ever without fear and troubles? (4, 6) What he afraid? (7) Of what was he afraid? What does he say happens in the lives of those who fear him? (7) What does this mean?
3. What does it mean to be radiant when one looks to the Lord? (5) Is the radiance confined to metaphysics? (Genesis 3:4-6; John 1:4-5, 9, 8:12)
II. Fear the LORD (34:8-14)
4. What does it mean to taste the Lord? (8) How might this be what Jesus meant in John 6:53-59 and 61-63? How might fear of the LORD go along with figuratively tasting and seeing him? (9) What might "lack nothing", "grow weak and hungry", and "lack nothing" help understand the meaning of the author? (9-10)
5. Considering verses 8-10 what does a person need to know? (11) How is those named as "children" further defined in verse 12? What are they instructed to do? (13-14) How can a person seek peace and pursue it?
III. The Righteous Cry Out to the LORD (34:15-22)
6. What opposing interface does the Lord have with the righteous verses those who do evil? Why? What is his purpose? What truth is revealed in verses 17-18? How did David know this?
7. What is promised to the righteous having many troubles? (19-20) How was verse 20 fulfilled when Jesus was crucified?
8. What is the end of the wicked and the righteous? (21)
9. What did David experience and tell others? (22)