Nineveh's Destruction Questions for Study 2
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I. Nineveh's Future (2:1-13)
1. What ironic warning was given Nineveh? (1) What was the advancing army to be like? (3-4)
2. What is promised Jacob? (2) What might this refer to?
3. Will Nineveh try to protect itself? (5) Will they prevail? (6-10)
4. What animal is used the portray Assyria and why might this be fitting? (11-12) Though Assyria was used to destroy unrepentant Israel and harass sinful Judah where they exempt from the Lord's righteousness? (13) In the same way if the Lord uses us does it mean we are free to do whatever we want? (Rom. 11:17-21; John 15:5-8)
II. Nineveh's Sins (3:1-4)
5. What sins was Nineveh guilty of? (1) What motivated Assyria to attack other nations? (2-4) What similar motives did Jesus say was happening in his time? (Luke 20:45-47)
III. Nineveh's Doom (3:5-19)
6. Will anyone have compassion on the evil Nineveh? (5-7) What does this teach about how love overcomes all?
7. What city was used as an illustration to Nineveh? (8-9) What happened to it? (10) Can we truly trust in defenses we make against what we are afraid of? (Matt. 6:19-21; Psalm 146:3)
8. What will happen to their riches? (11-17)
9. What will happen to the people of Assyria? How does this explain what happened to some of the Israelites who were taken into captivity a hundred years before Nahum's time? (2 Kings 17:6)
10. What can be learn about the Lord? (Rom. 11:22)