1 and 2 Samuel Outline with Links to Questions by Stephen Ricker
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1 and 2 SAMUEL Outline with Links to Questions

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  1. GOGod Calls Samuel, 1 Samuel 1:1-3:21
    1. Hannah and Samuel, 1:1-2:11
    2. Eli and Samuel, 2:12-3:1a
    3. Samuel's First Mission, 3:2-3:21
  2. GOThe Fear of the Lord, 1 Samuel 4:1-7:1
    1. God's Provision, 4:1-22
    2. The Lord is Against Ashdod and Ekron, 5:1-12
    3. The Ark Goes Back to Israel, 6:1-7:1
  3. GOReturn to the Lord, 1 Samuel 7:2-8:22
    1. Return to the Lord, 7:2-29
    2. Such as All the Other Nations, 8:1-22
  4. GOSamuel Anoints Saul as King, 1 Samuel 9:1-11:15
    1. Let's Go Home, 9:1-27
    2. Saul Anointed, 10:1-27
    3. Saul Rescues the City of Jabesh, 11:1-15
  5. GOSamuel's Farewell Speech, 1 Samuel 12:1-25
    1. The Lord is Witness, 1-5
    2. It is the Lord Who Appoints, 6-11
    3. Fear the Lord and Serve and Obey Him, 12-25
  6. SAUL: THE FIRST KING, 1 Samuel 13:1-31:13

  7. GOYou Have Not Kept the Lord's Command, 1 Samuel 13:1-14:52
    1. Samuel Rebukes Saul, 13:1-15a
    2. Jonathan, a Warrior of Faith, 13:15b-14:14
    3. The Lord Rescues Israel, 14:15-52
  8. GOThe Lord Rejects Saul as King, 1 Samuel 15:1-16:23
    1. Saul's Pride Aggravated Himself, 15:1-35
    2. Samuel Anoints Boy David As the Future King, 16:1-13
    3. David in Saul's Service, 16:14-23
  9. GODavid and Goliath, 1 Samuel 17:1-58
    1. Goliath's Challenge, 1-11
    2. David Challenges Goliath, 12-40
    3. David's Victory, 41-58
  10. GOJonathan's Wonderful Friendship, 1 Samuel 18:1-20:42
    1. David Was Loved By All His People, 18:1-5
    2. Saul Hate for David, 18:6-19:24
    3. Jonathan Keeps His Convent of Friendship, 20:1-42
  11. GODavid Receives Divine Discipline, 1 Samuel 21:1-23:29
    1. David Goes to A Priest of the Lord, 21:1-15
    2. David Becomes a Shepherd of Bums and Outcasts, 22:1-23
    3. David Seeks the Lord, Saul Seeks David, 23:1-29
  12. GODavid Feared and Loved God, 1 Samuel 24:1-26:25
    1. David Spares Saul's Live, 24:1-22
    2. David, Nabal, and Abigail, 25:1-44
    3. David Again Spares Saul's Live, 26:1-25
  13. GOThe Tragedy of Saul's Suicide, 1 Samuel 27:1-31:13
    1. David Among the Philistines, 27:1-15
    2. Saul and the Witch of Endor, 28:1-15
    3. Achish Sends David Back to Ziklag, 29:1-11
    4. David's Victory, Saul's Suicide, 30:1-31:13

DAVID: THE SECOND KING, 2 Samuel 1:1-19:43

  1. GODavid Anointed King in Hebron, 2 Samuel 1:1-4:12
    1. David's Lament for Saul and Jonathan, 1:1-27
    2. To Hebron, 2:1-3:1
    3. Abner and Ish-Bosheth, 3:2-4:12
  2. GOI Will Celebrate Before the Lord, 2 Samuel 5:1-6:23
    1. Jerusalem, 5:1-10
    2. David Inquired the Lord, 5:11-25
    3. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem, 6:1-23
  3. GOGod's Promise to David, 2 Samuel 7:1-29
    1. I Will Establish His Throne Forever, 1-17
    2. Who am I, O Lord?, 18-21
    3. Now Lord, Do as You Promised, 22-29
  4. GODavid Reigned Over All Israel, 2 Samuel 8:1-10:19
    1. The Lord Gave Victory, 8:1-18
    2. David and Mephibosheth, 9:1-13
    3. David Defeats the Ammonites, 10:1-19
  5. GODavid's Sin and Repentance, 2 Samuel 11:1-12:13
    1. David's Sin, 11:1-27
    2. David's Repentance, 12:1-13a
    3. Forgiveness and Consequences of Sin, 12:13b-31
  6. GOAbsalom Returns to Jerusalem, 2 Samuel 13:1-14:33
    1. Amnon and Tamar, 13:1-22
    2. Absalom Kills Amnon, 13:23-39
    3. Absalom Returns to Jerusalem, 14:1-33
  7. GODavid is Forced to Leave Jerusalem, 2 Samuel 15:1-16:22
    1. Absalom's Conspiracy, 15:1-37
    2. A Blessing and a Curse, 16:1-14
    3. Ahithophel's Advice Fulfills God's Word, 16:15-23
  8. GODavid Returns to Jerusalem, 2 Samuel 17:1-19:43
    1. Bad Advice, Good Advice, 17:1-29
    2. Absalom's Death, 18:1-33
    3. David Returns to Jerusalem, 19:1-43
  9. EPILOGUE, 2 Samuel 20:1-24:25

  10. GODavid's Wars, 2 Samuel 20:1-21:22
    1. Sheba Rebels Against David, 20:1-26
    2. Gibeonites, 21:1-14
    3. Philistines, 21:15-22
  11. GODavid's Prayer, 2 Samuel 22:1-51
    1. The Lord is My Salvation, 1-3
    2. I Called to the Lord, 5-7
    3. The Lord Thundered From Heaven, 8-16
    4. I Have Kept Myself From Sin, 17-30
    5. Praise Be to the Rock! My Savior!, 31-51
  12. GORuling in the Fear of God 23:1-24:25
    1. Ruling in the Fear of God, 23:1-39
    2. I am the One Who Has Sinned, 24:1-17
    3. David Builds an Altar, 24:18-26