1 Peter 3:1-22 Questions by Stephen Ricker
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Do Not Fear What They Fear
Questions for Study 3

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Memory Verse: 14

I. Wives and Husbands (3:1-7)

1. What is a good reason why a Christian should remain married to an unbeliever? (1-2) What does "if" imply here? Why might it be hard to be submissive? How can purity and reverence move a spouse to accept Jesus as their personal Messiah and Lord? (Prov. 12:4, 19:13-14)

2. Does verse 3 forbid outward adornment in day to day life? (1 Cor. 11:3-16) What kind of beauty does not pass with time? (4) Why might some find it hard to learn Jesus' gentle and quiet nature? (Matt. 11:28-30; Eph. 4:1-3) Why might it be good to please God by living this way? (James 4:6) What example can women find in the Bible? (5-6)

3. What does it mean for a husband to be considerate toward his wife? How can a husband show respect for his wife? (Prov. 12:25, 31:10-12; James 3:5-6) Since Sarah is an example to wives, what can husbands learn from Abraham in Genesis 21:8-12? Since Sarah is an example to wives, what can husbands learn from Abraham in Genesis 21:8-12?

II. Live in Harmony With Each Other (3:8-12)

4. What would a choir sound like if they did not sing in harmony? How do congregations sound to the unbelievers when they do not live in harmony? What five practical ways can true Christians live in harmony as found in verse 8b and 9a? What is promised to a believer that practices these toward fellow believers? (9b)

5. How does Psalm 34:12-16 reinforce this? (10-12)

6. If the Lord doesn't seem to answer our prayers, what might be the problem? (1 Sam. 28:15-18)

III. Suffering For What is Good (3:13-22)

7. Does doing good necessarily mean people will always respond well? (13-14, 17; Matt. 5:11-12; Luke 6:22-23) Does this mean we should refrain from doing good? (Acts 10:38) What do they fear that we should not and why? (John 16:7-11; Rom. 13:4-5)

8. How does setting apart Christ as Lord affect our day to day living? (15a) In order for someone to know of the hope we have, what must have happened? (15b-16) How are we to answer such questions?

9. What was the effect of Jesus' death on the cross? (18a) Was anyone righteous before they accepted Jesus' act of righteousness? Was Jesus' death physical or spiritual? What does it mean that Jesus was "made alive by the Spirit"? (1 Cor. 15:42-49)

10. After Jesus died on the cross, where did his spirit go and what did he do for three days until he rose from the dead? (19-20; Luke 16:22-24) What baptism is mentioned in verse 21? How does Jesus' resurrection give us a good conscience toward God? What does Jesus' resurrection save us from? After Jesus ascended into heaven where did he go and what position does he have? (22)