Psalms 1:1-3:8 Questions by Stephen Ricker
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His Delight
Questions for Study 1

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Memory Verse: 1:6

I. Blessed is the Man (1:1-6)

1. What does "walk" and "way" mean in verses 1 and 6 and what two ways are reviewed in this Psalm?

2. What do the righteous delight in and how does it affect their life? (2-3)

3. How does rejecting the words of God affect the wicked life? (4-5)

II. Why (2:1-12)

4. Who is the Anointed one and why do people, even the powerful leaders conspire and plot against him? (Acts 4:25-28, 13:32-33; Hebrews 5:5)

5. What decree of the LORD is is proclaimed in verse 7 and what does it mean?<

6. What inheritance is the Lord's and what response is demanded to this honor?

III. From the Lord Comes Deliverance (3:1-8)

7. What were David's foes saying and how did he respond? (1-2)

8. What four things did the Lord do for David?

9. Because of the LORD what could David do?

10. What did David pray concerning his enemies future? What can be said of a person who prays for such things to happen when many encircle in order to destroy?