1. Who is the author? What did he decided to do? Why? What is the grave that he was brought up from? And the pit he almost went down in?
2. What is commanded in verse 4? Why? What does it mean by the Lord's anger? Why does God get angry with us? Is it permanent? What can it lead to?
3. When David considered his past before his troubles what did he have to admit he was in err of? (6) Who else lead to a similar conclusion? (Luke 3:7-9) What lead him to his false conclusion in those days? Did that make God's favor a bad thing? What did the Lord mean for David? What happened that destroyed that idea? What does it mean that the Lord favor's someone from God's perspective? Consider the lives of Jesus, the apostles and the prophets. Even though his mountain was shaken what did David do? What is mercy? What did he present to the Lord would not happen if he died? When he prayed and did not loose faith what happened? What is sackcloth? What did he do?
II. In the LORD I Take Refuge (31:1-13)
4. Considering verse 1 what can we determine is the reason for this psalm? What has happened and seems about to happen? Why might David ask the Lord to turn his ear to him? Was is necessary to ask this? Why or why not? What is his request?
5. What is set before? What does it mean to commit the spirit to God? Who else professed this? (Luke 23:46) What did it mean to him? Who personally accepted Jesus' interpretation and use of this prayer? (Acts 7:54-60) Why after the confession of faith would the author make the proclamation in verses 6 thru 8? Considering these verse show the author escaped the trap what did they learn? What can be learned about faith?
6. What does the psalm switch back to? (9-11) What as his condition while in the trap? What did everyone do when he was in the trap? What does it mean by "I have become like broken pottery"? What does that say of his friends and neighbors regard for him before he was in the trap?
III. You are My God (31:14-23)
7. What is trust? What does the confession "You are my God" supposed to imply? What is shame and what is it's effect?
8. What is goodness? (Mark 10:18; Luke 18:19) Who or what has been kept safe?
9. What is the besiege city David was referring in verse 21? What happened there? What did David think was true? (22) Why was it not true? How can our perception be tainted? Though we are in error, what remains true?