Psalms 23:1-24:10 Questions by Stephen Ricker
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The Lord is My Shepherd
Questions for Study 12

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Listen to Psalm 23.

Listen to Psalm 24.

Memory Verse: 24:1

I. For His Name's Sake (23:1-6)

1.What does David call the LORD? Why did he use that description and name? (2a) As a shepherd is his youth how does he equate this experience with the Lord interactions in his life? (2a-3a)

2. What kind of paths does the LORD lead his flock? Why? (3b-c) Where might the Lord lead us? Why? What is the mindset when there? (4)

3. What does knowing and believing that the Lord is with us do to us? (4) Even though we cannot see the Lord because we are in the dark how does the Shepherd-King make himself known to use?

4. What will the Lord do in the future? (5) Why? What does it mean to have our heads anointed with oil? Our cup overflowing? What does this tell our enemies? How is a relationship with the Lord further defined in verse 6? What are goodness and love to a believer in Jesus? How long will they follow? Did David believe in the resurrection of the dead and eternal life?

II. The Earth is the LORD's (24:1-6)

5. What truth is declared in verses 1 & 2? How does this set the tone of this psalm? With the essence of God established in the first two verses, what conclusion does David draw about the applicability to God? (3)

6. Who does David say can approach God? Does anyone live this way all their life?

7. What is the outcome of entering the Lord's presence on his holy hill?

III. The King of Glory (24:7-10)

8. What is commanded to lift up their eyes? Do gates have eyes? Why might they be personified in this way? Who is the King of glory? (8, 10) What is commanded to lift up their heads? Do gates have heads? Why might they be personified in this way?