Psalms Outline with Links to Comments by Stephen Ricker
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PSALMS Outline with Links to Commentaries

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    Book I (Psalms 1-41)

  1. His Delight, Psalms 1:1-3:8 GO
    1. Blessed is the Man (1:1-6)
    2. Why (2:1-12)
    3. From the Lord Comes Deliverance (3:1-8)
  2. Listen to my Cry, Psalms 4:1-6:10 GO
    1. Give me Relief (4:1-8)
    2. Listen to my Cry (5:1-12)
    3. Heal Me (6:1-10)
  3. I Take Refuge in You, Psalms 7:1-8:9 GO
    1. If There is Guilt on my Hands (7:1-5)
    2. God is a Righteous Judge (7:1-17)
    3. How Majestic is Your Name (8:1-9)
  4. Have Mercy and Lift me up From the Gates of Death, Psalms 9:1-10:18 GO
    1. I Will Praise You (9:1-10)
    2. Sing Praises to the LORD (9:11-20)
    3. Why, O LORD, Do You Stand Far Off (10:1-18)
  5. Help, LORD, for the Godly are No More, Psalms 11:1-13:18 GO
    1. The LORD Examines the Righteous (11:1-7)
    2. The Faithful Have Vanished from Among Men (12:1-8)
    3. How Long? (13:1-6)
  6. Who May Live on Your Holy Hill?, Psalms 14:1-16:11 GO
    1. There is No One Who Does Good (14:1-7)
    2. He Who Does These Things Will Never be Shaken (15:1-5)
    3. Keep Me Safe (16:1-11)
  7. I Will See Your Face, Psalms 17:1-15 GO
    1. Listen to My Cry (17:1-5)
    2. I Call on You (17:6-9)
    3. Save Me (17:10-15)
  8. The LORD Lives!, Psalms 18:1-50 GO
    1. The LORD is My Rock (18:1-15)
    2. The LORD Lifted Me (18:16-29)
    3. The Word of the LORD is Flawless (18:30-45)
    4. The LORD Lives! (18:46-50)
  9. Forgive My Hidden Faults, Psalms 19:1-20:9 GO
    1. The Heavens (19:1-6)
    2. The Law of the LORD is Perfect (19:7-14)
    3. Forgive My Hidden Faults (20:1-9)
  10. O LORD We Will Sing and Praise Your Might, Psalms 21:1-13 GO
    1. I Rejoice in Your Strength (21:1-5)
    2. The Unfailing Love of the Most High (21:6-7)
    3. At the Time of Your Appearing (21:8-13)
  11. My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?, Psalms 22:1-31 GO
    1. I Am A Worm and Not a Man (22:1-11)
    2. I Can Count All My Bones (22:12-21)
    3. A People Yet Unborn Will Proclaim His Righteousness (22:22-31)
  12. The Lord is My Shepherd Psalms 23:1-24:10 GO
    1. For His Name's Sake (23:1-6)
    2. The Earth is the LORD's (24:1-6)
    3. The King of Glory (24:7-10)
  13. Show Me Your Ways, O LORD Psalms 25:1-22 GO
    1. I Lift my Soul to the LORD (25:1-3)
    2. Remember Not my Sins (25:4-7)
    3. The Troubles of My Heart Have Multiplied (25:8-22)
  14. The LORD is My Light and My Salvation -Whom Shall I Fear? Psalms 26:1-27:14 GO
    1. Examine My Heart and My Mind (26:1-12)
    2. My I Dwell in Your House LORD? (27:1-6)
    3. Seek His Face! (27:1-14)
  15. Ascribe to the LORD Glory Psalms 28:1-29:11 GO
    1. The LORD is the Strength of His People (28:1-9)
    2. Ascribe to the LORD (29:1-2)
    3. The Voice of the LORD (29:3-11)
  16. I Trust in You, O LORD Psalms 30:1-31:24 GO
    1. For the Dedication of the Temple (30:1-12)
    2. In the LORD I Take Refuge (31:1-13)
    3. You are My God (31:14-23)
  17. Sing Joyfully to the LORD Psalms 32:1-33:22 GO
    1. Pray Before it is To Late (32:1-11)
    2. Music for the LORD (33:1-11)
    3. Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the LORD (33:12-22)
  18. Come and Learn Fear of the LORD Psalms 34:1-22 GO
    1. I Sought the LORD (34:1-7)
    2. Fear the LORD (34:8-16)
    3. The Righteous Cry Out to the LORD (34:17-22)
  19. My Enemies Without Cause Psalms 35:1-28 GO
    1. Contend, O LORD, With Those Who Contend With Me (35:1-10)
    2. O Lord, How Long (35:11-21)
    3. Rise to My Defense LORD (35:22-28)
  20. The LORD's Love, Faithfulness, Righteousness, Justice Psalms 36:1-12 GO
    1. The Sinfulness of the Wicked (36:1-4)
    2. Love, Faithfulness, Righteousness, Justice (36:5-8)
    3. The Evildoers Lie Fallen (36:9-12)
  21. The Righteous Are Not Forsaken Psalms 37:1-40 GO
    1. Be Still Before the LORD and Wait Patiently for Him (37:1-13)
    2. The Righteous Will Endure Forever, The Wicked Will Perish (37:14-28)
    3. Wait for the LORD and Keep His Way (37:29-40)
  22. Man is a Mere Phantom as he Goes To and Fro Psalms 38:1-39:13 GO
    1. I Confess My Iniquity (38:1-20)
    2. O LORD My Savior (38:21-22)
    3. My Hope is in You, Save Me From All My Transgressions (39:1-13)
  23. Blessed is He Who Has Regard for the Weak Psalms 40:1-41:13 GO
    1. Many Are the Wonders the LORD Has Done (40:1-5)
    2. Same Me O LORD (40:6-17)
    3. O LORD Have Mercy on Me (41:1-13)
  24. Book II (Psalms 42-72)

  25. My Soul Pants for the LORD Psalms 42:1-43:5 GO
    1. My Soul Thirsts for God (42:1-5)
    2. Put Your Hope in God (42:6-11)
    3. Vindicate Me O GOd (43:1-5)
  26. Redeem Us Because of Your Unfailing Love Psalms 44:1-26 GO
    1. In God We Boast (44:1-8)
    2. You Have Rejected Us (44:9-16)
    3. Vindicate Me O GOd (44:17-26)
  27. A Wedding Song Psalms 45:1-46:11 GO
    1. The King, The Bridegroom (45:1-9)
    2. The Bride (45:9-17)
    3. Come and See the Works of the LORD (46:1-11)
  28. Sing Praises to God Psalms 47:1-48:14 GO
    1. Clap Your Hands All You Nations (47:1-9)
    2. Most Worthy of Praise (48:1-8)
    3. Meditate on God's Unfailing Love (48:9-14)
  29. Hear Ye, Hear Ye Psalms 49:1-50:23 GO
    1. A Proverb Psalm (49:1-11)
    2. The Fate of Those Who Trust in Themselves (49:12-20)
    3. The Might One, God, The LORD (50:1-15)
    4. A Message for the Wicked (50:16-23)
  30. Cleanse Me, Create in me a Pure Heart Psalms 51:1-52:9 GO
    1. Blot Out My Transgressions (51:1-9))
    2. Restore Me the Joy of Your Salvation (51:10-19)
    3. The Righteous Will See and Fear (52:1-9)
  31. Hear My Prayer Psalms 53:1-55:23 GO
    1. Let the Evil Recoil (54:1-7)
    2. My Heart is in Anguish (55:8-15)
    3. The Righteous Will See and Fear (55:16-23)
  32. When I am Afraid Psalms 56:1-57:11 GO
    1. In God I Trust (56:1-13)
    2. Ravenous Beasts (57:1-6)
    3. I Will Praise You (57:7-11)
  33. When We are Avenged Psalms 58:1-59:17 GO
    1. The Righteous Will Be Glad When They are Avenged (58:1-11)
    2. No Mercy to Wicked Traitors (59:1-5)
    3. I Watch for You (59:6-17)
  34. To Dwell in Your Tent Forever Psalms 60:1-62:12 GO
    1. You Have Rejected Us (60:1-12)
    2. Forever (61:1-8)
    3. My Soul Finds Rest in God Alone (62:1-12)
  35. As I Voice My Complaint Psalms 63:1-65:13 GO
    1. In the Desert of Judah (63:1-13)
    2. Protect My Life From the Enemy (64:1-10)
    3. A Psalm, A Song (65:1-13)
  36. Come and See What God Has Done Psalms 66:1-67:7 GO
    1. Praise Our God, O Peoples (66:1-12)
    2. Come Listen (66:13-20)
    3. Make His Face Shine Upon Us (67:1-7)
  37. When You Ascended On High Psalms 68:1-35 GO
    1. May His Enemies Be Scattered (68:1-10)
    2. From Sinai Into His Sanctuary (68:11-18)
    3. Summon Your Power (68:19-35)
  38. My Folly, My Guilt Psalms 69:1-36 GO
    1. You Know My Fault (69:1-12)
    2. Come Near and Rescue Me (69:13-21)
    3. Summon Your Power (69:22-36)
  39. For You Have Been My Hope Psalms 70:1-71:24 GO
    1. Come Quickly to Help Me (70:1-5)
    2. Do Not Cast Me Away When I Am Old (71:1-12)
    3. When I Am Old and Grey (71:13-24)
  40. He Will Rule from Sea to Sea Psalms 72:1-20 GO
    1. He Will... (72:1-7)
    2. He Will Deliver (72:8-14)
    3. All Nations Will Be Blessed Through Him (72:15-20)
  41. Book III (Psalms 73-89)

  42. God is the Strength of My Heart Psalms 73:1-28 GO
    1. I Envied the Arrogant (73:1-11)
    2. In Vain (73:12-22)
    3. It is Good to be Near God (73:23-28)
  43. Why? Psalms 74:1-23 GO
    1. Remember? (74:1-9)
    2. How Long? (74:10-17)
    3. Have Regard for Your Covenant (74:18-23)
  44. You Are Resplendent with Light Psalms 75:1-76:12 GO
    1. It is God Who Judges (75:1-10)
    2. Light (76:1-4)
    3. Your Wrath Brings You Praise (76:5-12)
  45. Book IV (Psalms 90-106)

    Book V (Psalms 107-150)