Genesis 4:1-5:32 Questions by Stephen Ricker
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Cain Rejects God's Sovereignty
Questions for Study 5

Genesis 4:1-5:32
Memory Verses: 4:7


I. Cain Rejects God's Sovereignty (4:1-7)

1. What are the name's of the first two sons of Adam and Eve? What was the differences in their offerings? How did the Lord see their offerings? Why? (Heb. 11:4) What does this show about them? What does this show about God?

2. What does Cain's angry reaction show about his view of himself? What does it show about his view of God?

3. How did the Lord counsel Cain? How does God's view and Cain's view differ? How does God's counsel show his love for Cain? What additional light does the word "crouching" tell us about Cain's problem? What can we learn about how to deal with sinful desires? What opportunity did God give Cain?

II. The First Murder (4:8-16)

4. How did Cain receive God's counsel of love and opportunity? What was his motive in murdering Able? What does this suggest about the nature and cause of jealousy?

5. Why did God ask the question in verse 9? What can we learn about God here? Was Cain really penitent and/or regretful about what he had done? What does his response to God show about his attitude toward God and toward his brother? In this passage do you see any change in his attitude?

6. How did God punish Cain? What can we learn about God here? What was his inner and outer life to be like? What was Cain's response? What was God's purpose of putting the mark on his head? What can we learn about God's justice and mercy?

III. Cain's Descendants (4:17-24)

7. Who were Cain's descendants? What were some of them known for? What does Lamech's family and life show about human culture without God? How did Lamech use God's word of grace and mercy to justify his sinful actions?

IV. Seth's Descendants (4:25-5:32)

8. How is Seth described? (5:3) What is his son credited for? (4:26) How is Enoch described? (5:21-24, Heb. 11:5) How are Seth's descendants like Cain's descendants? How are they different? What evidence is there of a spiritual remnant of God's people?

9. Make a chart comparing the births and deaths of Seth's descendants. What do you learn from this?