Proverbs 4:1-27 Questions by Stephen Ricker
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Hold Onto Wisdom
Questions for Study 4

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Memory Verse: 6

I. Teach Children Wisdom (4:1-9)

1. What does the father promise his son in verses 1 and 2? How did he identify with his sons? (3-4) What can we learn from Solomon's life decision when he obeyed his father David? (1 Chronicles 1:10)

2. What are we encouraged to do in verses 5 and 6? What does it mean to obtain them?

3. In what ways do wisdom and understanding cost? (7) Is it ever hard to esteem and embrace wisdom and understanding? Why is this so? What is promised if we hold onto them even though it is not easy as so costly? (9)

II. Straight Paths (4:10-19)

4. What does it mean that wisdom leads along straight paths? (10-11) What does it mean that our steps are hampered and we stumble? What can be learned about the life of faith from these facts?

5. What is life? (13) How did Jesus personify this? (John 12:44-50)

6. What instruction is given in verses 14 and 15? Why? (16-17, John 8:42-47)

7. Does the benefits of righteous living come all at once according to verse 18? What irony is found in verse 19?

III. Health to a Man's Whole Body (4:20-27)

8. What does it mean to listen closely? Since verse 21 repeats the same theme in this chapter what can we learn about human nature when it comes to sound words? What is promised if we do? (22)

9. What does it mean to guard our heart? What is the heart and how is it the wellspring of life?

10. What is perversity? How is verse 25 like Hebrews 12:2-3? What does verse mean practically? Consider how to obey verese 27 in your life today.