Proverbs 2:1-22 Questions by Stephen Ricker
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Moral Benefits of Wisdom
Questions for Study 2

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Memory Verse: 4

I. The Lord Gives Wisdom (2:1-9)

1. What is the first four things the author want his son to do? (1-2) What are the next three things he asks his son to do? (3-4)How does Jesus ask us the same things? (Luke 11:6-13)

2. If his son does those seven things what will be the reward? (5) What is the fear of of God and the knowledge of God and how are they related? How is this like taking up a joke with Jesus as he states in Matthew 11:28?

3. How does the Lord give wisdom? (6) How can living by faith in Jesus then help us in our day-to-day activities?

4. What four things is promised to God's people? (7-8) What did Jesus tell Satan when he used words like these tempt him? (Matthew 4:5-7) Considering the life Jesus and the apostles lived how can we apply these promises to our lives? What is right and just and fair? (9)

II. Wisdom Will Save You (2:10-22)

5. Why is practical application of God's words the only way to know what these things are? (Luke 6:46-49)

6. What are descretion and understanding to a believer in Jesus? (10-11) What can be learned about the life of faith in Jesus?

7. What will save us from? (12) How did Solomon see truth applied to a small city once? (Ecclesiastes 9:13-18) How is being perverse definded in verses 13 thru 15?

8. What else will wisdom save us from according to verse 16? What is marriage considered in the Bible? (17-19) How then is adultery defined?

9. What is the meaning of the promise in verse 20? Is it possible to walk in good ways and righteousness?

10. What is promised the upright and blameless? What is promised the wicked and unfaithful? When will this promise be fulfilled? (Ecclesiastes 3:16-17, 12:13-14; Matthew 25:31-35; 2 Corinthians 5:10)