Proverbs 11:1-31 Questions by Stephen Ricker
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The Righteous and the Wicked
Questions for Study 11

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Memory Verse: 30

I. A Comparison (11:1-11)

1. How were scales used in ancient cultures and when does their use delight the Lord? (1) Why and how does pride bring forth disgrace? (2) How do integrity and duplicity control our life? (3) How does death bring all to the same level before God? (4)

2. What does it mean to make a straight way in light of the fate of the wicked? (5) How does our actions depict our fate? Does both the wicked and righteous have hope? (7) Who rescues the righteous from trouble? (8; Esther 5:14, 7:10)

3. What is the path source of destruction and escape? (9) Why would the prosperity of the righteous bring joy to a city? What does it mean "through the blessing of the upright? (11)

II. Attaining Live and Death (11:12-22)

4. When is a good time to hold the tongue? Why are secrets told and are they necessary?

5. Why do nations need many advisors and can a family and city be included with this proverb? (14) What does up mean to put up security for another? (15)

6. What does it mean to be a kindhearted woman? What happens to a kind man? (17; Ruth 2:20) Though not easy, what is the result of sowing righteousness? (18)

7. How can a person be truly righteous? (17; Romans 3:21-26) What does it mean to have a perverse heart and to be blameless? (20) What time frame is verse 21 referring to? (Matthew 25:31-46) Explain the metaphor in verse 22.

III. Generosity (11:23-31)

8. How is desire and hope related and yet subject to the individual? (23) How is the paradox in verse 24 possible? What does it mean to be generous and refresh others and what does this imply about God?

9. How can verse 26 be applied to modern business? What life choices are compared in verse 27? What does it mean to trust in riches and what does the righteous trust in? (28)

10. What does verse 29 teach about how to interact with family members no matter how they interact with us? What is the tree of life and what does it mean to win souls? Do the righteous and wicked receive their due on earth? How long can that take?